Computations for the paper "Markov Trace on the Funar Algebra"

S. Yu. Orevkov

Last update: November 11, 2015

fu.pdf -- the paper

1. Computation of the initial data:   J_4^(0), L^(0), rho_X, rho_delta

fu.c -- C program for creating the generators of J_4^(0) and the matrices of rho_X. See detailed comments at the beginning of the file.

The output of fu.c (the usage of the following files is explained in the beginning of fu.c):
fu_data0.m2 (6.7M)   fu_data0.m2.gz (1.2M) -- in Macaulay2 format with b=0
fu_data0.sing (6.4M)   fu_data0.sing.gz (1.2M) -- in Singular format with b=0
fu_data.m2.gz (5.9M) -- in Macaulay2 format (full version: coefficients are polynomials in a,b,u,v)
fu.m -- Mathematica script for creating the generators of L^(0) and the matrices of rho_delta. See detailed comments at the beginning of the file.

The output of fu.m (the usage of the following files is explained in the beginning of fu.m):
fu_dataL.m2 -- in Macaulay2 format
fu_dataL.sing -- in Singular format

2. Computation of the ideal  I

2.1. Computation of I(0,0;Z) with Macaulay2
(rather fast: few hours)
fu.m2 -- the kernel of the M2 program (independent of the ring k)
fu-z-00.m2 -- the front end for k=Z, a=b=0
fu-ide-z-00 -- the result of the computation for k=Z, a=b=0

2.2. Computation of I(a,0;Z/nZ) with Singular for many different values of n.
(not so fast: see the timing in the log files)   ta.html   -- .log files

2.3. The file with the computation of I(a,0;Q) is lost. Sorry.

3. Computation of the link invariant  P

mtfa.m -- Mathematica functions which compute the Markov trace on the Funar algebra. See a detailed description in the comments at the beginning of the file.

mtfap.dat -- Raw (i.e. not in a normal form) Markov traces for knots up to 10 crossings. They are produced by mtfaP (see the file mtfa.m) and they can be used as arguments for other functions defined in mtfa.m. The file contains a list of lists: if it is loaded by the command


then p[[i,j]] is the raw Markov trace of the knot $i_j$, for example, p[[3,1]] is that of the trefoil, p[[4,1]] is that of the figure-eight knot and so on.

mtfap0.dat -- the same as mtfap.dat but with b = 0.

4. Miscellaneous

knottab.dat -- The knot table up to 10 crossings in the braid form. Produced using KnotTheory package. If this table is loaded by the command


then K[[i,j]] is the braid representing the knot $i_j$, for example, K[[3,1]] is the trefoil knot, K[[4,1]] is the figure-eight knot and so on.